Dawn of the Flame Sea (Flame Seas #1) by Jean Johnson
The Fae Rii are peaceful fair traders capable of wielding sophisticated forms of magic. The White Sands tribe see the Fae as invaders stealing their newfound natural resources. The Circle Fire Tribe has no desire to share with anyone in this enthralling new fantasy.
Jintaya, leader of the Fae promises to trade skills and knowledge to build a lasting community if the White Sands people will forge an alliance and the readers can’t help but get caught up in this fascinating tale as they work together to build a new home. This steady paced, smooth flowing plot is full of suspense, excitement and a bit of romance that holds readers hostage as the strong compelling characters draw the readers in and excitement keeps them on the edge of their seat as the Circle Fire Tribe tries to take everything for themselves.
The author has created a fascinating new world with lots of interesting elements and full of vivid details that bring it all to life and make it easy to become ensnared in the story. I found it quite fascinating to follow as both groups formed their alliance and built their new community and the magic added lots of spice to the with a few unexpected twists as well, so I can’t wait to visit Flame Seas again.