Spotlight & Giveaway! Joy to You and Me (at Work) Amy Thornton!





Book Title: Joy to You and Me (at Work!) by Amy Thornton
Category: Adult Non-Fiction, 179 pages
Genre: Self-help, Business
Publisher: Tell-Tale Publishing Group, LLC
Release date: June 5, 2018
Tour dates: Oct 1 to 19, 2018
Content Rating: PG (This book is for ages 16+, so there is the occasional "damn", "hell", and "ass" thrown in as far as language, but nothing worse than that.)





Are you one of the 48% of employees worldwide who don't like their jobs? Do you feel constantly stressed at the office? Or maybe you're just feeling "blah" about your job and want to bring some life back into your workplace. If you talk to anyone about their careers or jobs these days, most of the time you won't hear positive stories or excitement. You'll probably hear words like "busy", "stressed", "exhausting", and "mind-numbing." And with the good old 40 hour workweek becoming a distant memory for many of us, this reality is just plain sad.


Joy to You and Me (At Work!) helps turn these situations around by giving the reader easy tips they can implement quickly to start making a positive difference in the workplace. Being joyful isn't just a "fluffy-cutesy-nice" thing to do each day - it actually increases productivity and is good for any company or organization.

The book helps anyone learn how to:


- Be a more joyful person
- Bring joy to co-workers
- Bring joy to customers
- Bring joy to networking


This fun, easy-to-read guide shows people of all ages and personalities how to make a difference immediately to make not only themselves happier, but to spread that happiness throughout the workplace - and beyond!


By sharing stories from the author's 25+ years of making a joyful difference in the workplace and examples from truly kick-ass companies, Joy to You and Me (At Work!) is a life changing, fun read for anyone who wants to improve their work life.


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What made you write a book about bringing joy to the workplace?



It’s funny - this whole book was actually kind of an accident! I was going to take an online course about how to get a book published in the summer of 2017. As the week of the course approached, I realized this was only going to be about non-fiction books vs. fiction. I primarily write novels! I wondered, “What on earth could I write about?”


While walking my dogs one evening, I began to think about my career and experiences over the years. I realized that every employer I’ve ever had has been sad to see me go for one particular reason – I’ve taken some truly unique, memorable steps to bring happiness to my co-workers and customers.


The next thing I knew I was sitting on my porch swing furiously jotting down ideas in a notebook. In less than an hour I had an outline for a self-help book about bringing joy to the workplace.



What advice would you give budding writers?



Don’t EVER give up! Keep on reading, writing, learning, and growing in your craft. This is the first time I’ve been published by a REAL publisher vs. self-publishing. I’m 48 years old and it feels incredible to finally be living my greatest dream.



How long have you been writing?



I’ve been writing books, short stories, and poetry ever since I received my very own K-Mart “Snappy Blue” typewriter at the age of eight. This sucker only typed in capital letters, but I literally wore it out creating dozens of stories!



What is your writing schedule?



I’ve always had the most success when I’ve been able to start out writing during a couple of weeks away from my day job. I’ve recently written books thanks to two foot surgeries and an extra-long holiday vacation!


I’m already carving out two weeks during the upcoming holiday season for my next project. I find that having this long start gets me in my “groove” and makes it easier to continue writing during weekends and evenings to finish a book.


What is your favorite dessert?



S’mores – without question. I’m normally a healthy eater, but get me around a campfire, graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars and I’m thinking, “Screw it!” I normally eat three in one sitting without one shred of guilt!


AVAILABLE in print or ebook at -


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B&N -


Tell-Tale Pub -




One winner will get a paperback copy of Joy to You and Me at Work and a $25 Gift Card and 2 winners will each get a paperback copy of the book (open to USA only / 3 winner total)





Amy Thornton Shankland, GPC, has been bringing joy to her workplaces for over 25 years thanks to her innate enthusiasm. She is a former Dale Carnegie instructor, has been a grant professional for 17 years, is a former columnist for the Noblesville Daily Times, and is a current board member of Noblesville Main Street.


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