Review! Once Upon a Moon by Cheyenne Meadows!
TGIF Readers! Today I am visiting Minnesota where a young woman discovers that her new dog...isn't a dog! Enjoy and don't forget to add ONCE UPON A SNOWY MOON by Cheyenne Meadows to your shelves!
When her date bails on her, Tara decides she's had it with men. On her way home from the disastrous date, she hits a large dog with her car. There's no question she's keeping him. After all, dogs are faithful—unlike the men in her life.
Max is on the run after he and his alpha escape a violent coup. Exhausted, he doesn't see the car until it's too late, but he does see the woman who mistakenly believes he's a dog. While she takes care of him, Max has to figure out what's next, while keeping the woman he's beginning to fall for safe from his enemies.
Tara's new dog is everything she hoped for, but there's one major problem—he's not a dog. He's a wolf shifter. Now Max must convince her to trust him at the same time that he's trying to save his alpha's life. Until that happens, love is not in the picture—for him or Tara.
Tara has had it with men, so when hits a large dog with her car, there’s no question that she’s keeping him. After all, dogs are faithful – unlike the men in her life. Max is on the run after he and his alpha escape a violent coup, exhausted he doesn’t see the car until it’s too late. While the woman takes care of him, Max has to figure out what his next move is, while keeping the woman he’s beginning to fall for safe.
This paranormal romance is a wonderful story that easily pulls readers in and refuses to let go. The characters are strong and quite captivating and the emotional turmoil of the story is heart tugging while also being sweet. That being said the story also has cheerful and fun side as Tara takes care of her new dog unknowing that he is really a wolf shifter.
The plot is fast paced and keeps readers in suspense throughout as readers wonder how Max is going spring his surprise on Tara, if his enemies will find him and how Tara will handle the surprise once the secret is out. The story also builds excitement and suspense when Max’s enemies do arrive and bring Max to the attention of another pack and then there is the added suspense of Tara having to decide whether to leave her old behind and move forward or sticking it out where she’s at and readers can’t help but become completely caught up in all the thrills and romance of this wonderful story.
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Growing up in the Midwest, I began reading romance novels in high school, immediately falling in love with the genre, to the point where I decided to write professionally for a career. However, that dream splattered against a brick wall and resulting quick death in my first writing class in college when my professor told me bluntly that I wasn't any good at it.
I shifted gears quickly, and left my writing dreams behind, eventually settling on being a nurse. A few years back, I stumbled across a fan-fiction writing site on a favorite author's webpage. I began to read stories others wrote, not only making some wonderful close friends from the experience, but also, really learning to write for the very first time. Here I was able to share short stories, practice my writing skills, and truly develop into a writer. More than that, the experience allowed me to revitalize my dream, as I rediscovered joy in writing.
When I'm not working or writing, I enjoy working in the garden, canning, and seeing my backyard as a living canvas for my whimsical landscaping, and, of course, reading romance