4 Stolen Stars

Cosima and her brother, Anthony have been trading magical objects until their latest treasure kills Anthony and has Cosima reaching out to the one person she knows can help. Sawyer Jones can strip the magic from objects and sue it himself for a time and he never expected to see Cosima Delaney again since the last time they spoke she broke his nose and stole the sword he’d been casing. Making Cosima pay for denting his pride and taking his hard-won prize… that just might be worth the trouble this case will bring.
This ‘Coven of the Raven’ romance is full of chemistry and sparks, suspense and excitement, stunning twists and unique magical elements that spices things up. The attraction and chemistry between Cosima and Sawyer is undeniable but this relationship has issues that stems from their pasts and some secrets that will have to be revealed which causes quite a bit of emotional turmoil to flow the pages ensuring that readers become completely caught up in their story.
During this fast paced story, bad guys cause quite a bit of suspense and excitement that really gets the blood pumping and the coven’s goddess adds her own brand of spectacularly surprising twists that adds even more intrigue and excitement to the story. The conclusion of this story ends in a remarkable and surprising fashion that is pleasantly satisfying and readers nor the bad guys could possibly see it coming.